Assembly Space


Heckmann Center

Assembly Space
The Richard J. Heckmann International Center For Entrepreneurial Management
University of California, Riverside
Address: 75080 Frank Sinatra Dr., Palm Desert, CA
In association with LHA Architects
The design of The Richard J. Heckmann International Center for Entrepreneurial Management celebrates the concept of entrepreneurship as opportunity recognition, transforming the environmental context by creatively utilizing internal and external forces. The Coachella Valley’s desert environment provides that opportunity in the harsh presence of its natural elements: the textured surface of the earth, the poignant impact of the sun, the precious value of the water, the demanding movement of the wind.
The Heckmann Center houses in 56,000 sq. ft. of building academic activities, a Lecture/Recital Hall, and a Meeting/Flex Center Facility with a 180-seat cafeteria (plus outdoor seating).
The architecture of the complex subtly articulates the relationship between the natural elements of the Coachella Valley, from the location of each functional component to the selection of design strategies.
The building’s orientation, fenestration and insulation deal with the sun’s presence creating energy efficient spaces and celebrating the pristine natural light of the desert.