Meihua Plaza
San Gabriel, California - Under Entitlement
The proposed project is comprised of two different parcels, fronting three different streets and holding two different land use zoning. While maintaining the independent use and character that relates to each zoning, the Mei Hua Center is still creating a controlled synergy between the Commercial areas with the Residential area. The commercial spaces have access and exposure to Valley Boulevard while keeping a secondary access from San Gabriel Blvd. The residential area access is from Gladys Street providing a pedestrian connection, through a security gate, to the Commercial areas ‘main courtyard. The courtyard operates as well as “green buffer “between the two different land uses.
In order to minimize the traffic impact and maximize the parking efficiency, the project is proposing a subterranean parking, with an access from Gladys and exit and access from San Gabriel. Regardless that the parking area is located underground, the project proposes a functional separation between the residential and the commercial parking. A loading area adjacent to a service elevator provides access to working areas. The project celebrates the use of open spaces, not only at the landscape areas located at the ground level, but creating as well a large number of roof terraces and balconies at the different levels. The architectural treatment developed some common languages between the two land uses, mostly by creating shaded areas with trellis and louvers and selecting a compatible color palette.